Date: November 14th, 2024
Time: 11:15AM – 12:00PM
Location: Colony Ballroom, Adel H. Stamp Student Union
University of Maryland, College Park Campus
3972 Campus Drive, College Park, MD 20742
Presentation: “Driving Innovation through Discovery”
Description: This keynote unveils discovery as the engine of product innovation, where empathy, data, and cross-functional collaboration drive impact. Through real-world stories, it shows product leaders how to turn insights into breakthrough solutions, and leverage AI to shape the future of discovery. It’s a call to action for building products that truly resonate with customers.
PMI Talent Triangle: Power Skills
Umashankar is a seasoned product leader with over 13 years’ experience in crafting innovative and successful products. He is currently serving as Head of Product at SleepScore Labs, a digital health start-up helping 100s of millions of people get better sleep. Prior to SleepScore, Umashankar served as a product innovation leader at Philips building and scaling their IoT product portfolio. He specializes in connecting the dots between market insights, voice of consumer, user behavior and turning them into breakthrough product insights and innovative business models.